Family sessions

Gather Your Crew for a Downright Enjoyable Family Adventure!

Family sessions don’t have to be painful, and with everyone’s busy schedule, it’s hard to find time!

I say grab a spot, and with a few fun cues from me, the laughter will commence.

My goal is to capture you and your family and that wonderful connection you have.

Whether it's your immediate family or your extended family.

Because how often do you all get together?

Let’s craft memories that will stand the test of time.

How does this work?

With summer in full swing and everyone gathered together, it's the ideal time for your family.

With a pre-selected date already in place, just choose your time slot.

A 25-minute mini session or a full 50-minute photo session for your family.

For the pictures that you've been wanting, and meaning to schedule but haven't gotten around to yet.

Now is the perfect time.

The dates right now are July 14th or July 21st - at Regency Estates in Woodridge NY

Package Options and pricing

Mini Session - 25 minutes

Just enough time to get those fun poses and pictures you know you want.

-Sessions include several different family poses and hugs to make everyone happy.

-All the edited digitals are included.

Plus a $50 print credit

-Price - $650

-Select one time slot for the mini-session.

25 minutes not enough time for your crew?

See the upgraded/full session option below at $50 savings

Full Session - 55 minutes

When you have a larger family,

extended family or want poses of the kids and enough time to make this AMAZING.

-Sessions include full family poses,

poses of each child/adult, and all the combos to make sure you have a

gallery you cant stop looking at.

-Sessions include all the edited digitals

Plus a $100 print credit

-Select 2 sessions for the full session

(back to back)

-Price -$1250 - Save $300 off

the regular price!

* Please Note: 50% of the session fee is due at the time of booking.

Your chosen time slot will not be reserved for you until the session fee is paid.

Balance must be paid in full before the session.